Fissure sealing

Fissure sealing

For our little patients

We can’t stress enough how important it is to develop adequate oral hygiene during childhood. It’s worth to accustom little children to dental examination early in the nursery school. This will help them later on and they won’t feel obliged to go to the dentist.

In any case, let’s make toothbrushing playful and integrate it into our children’s daily routine!

Fissure sealing

The first permanent tooth erupts at the age of 6 - it happens quite often that parents don’t even recognize the presence of the new denticle. The newly erupted molar has to stand firm for a lifetime. If this denticle starts to decay too early, it will be the source of many dental and orthodontic problems.

It happens that molars have shallow grooves/fissures which are easy to clean using a toothbrush. However in most cases, chewing surfaces have deep fissures and it is nearly impossible to clean them properly with your brush. In such circumstances, cavity easily develops since the bottom of the groove lies near to the inner layer of the tooth. Thus, if plaque is not removed from the fissures, that’s the first step towards tooth decay.

With fissure sealing and proper oral care, we can preserve the integrity of the molars - in an ideal case, the treatment should be done within 6 months after the molar has erupted.

If cavity hasn’t developed yet, we can reshape the denticle without drilling. All we need to do is to clean the chewing surface and seal the fissures.

If the cavity is deeper, we can make an expanded fissure sealing. In this case, we remove the decayed area and rebuild the missing parts using composite filling material.

Children orthodontics

It’s worth visiting the orthodontic specialist already in infancy since this is the beginning of the mixed dentures period. At this early stage, all the possible abnormalities are recognizable and it’s easier to get rid of bad habits. We might also turn jaw development in the right direction - thus, in most cases a removable brace is enough to achieve the desired result.

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